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Get Equipped in Prayer!

The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.  James 5:16

Lord, teach us to pray…”  Luke 11:1

Prayer is one of the most foundational components of our relationship with God and yet far too many Christ-followers have to admit that we have neglected taking the time to develop a deeper prayer life.  Let’s allow the 40 Days of Love to be a time when we allow God’s Spirit to teach us what it means to pray.  We are providing you various free resources to assist you in this process


  • With Christ in the School of Prayer:  This classic book by Andrew Murray contains 31 Days worth of devotions that will help lead you into a deeper prayer life.  Start reading the devotions for a few days and see what God stirs in your heart.  (Download the book here)
  • Cleansing Prayer Guide: This is an interactive resource to assist you in praying through areas of unconfessed sin in order to enter into a place of freedom in Jesus Christ.  There are 4 sections of the Prayer Guide (Relationships, Personal Live, Church Service, & an additional section.)  This resource has been used all over the world to assist in setting many free from past wounds and habitual sin.  We would highly encourage you to take several weeks to pray through this resource. (Download this Resource)
  • Pray for Every Home: What difference would it make if every Christ-follower was regularly praying for their neighbors by name.  Sign up to pray for your neighbors today!  Based on your address Pray4EveryHome will send you the names of the neighbors closest to you so that you can lift them up in prayer.  Register today: www.Pray4EveryHome.com  (Related Video Clip produced by the makers of War Room: https://vimeo.com/profamilyfilms/review/171092768/267d22558d